Zambian High Commissioner in Malawi donates to Dzakeka refugee camp.

Zambian High Commissioner in Malawi donates to Dzakeka refugee camp.

Reported by Arsene Boji
Zambian High Commissioner to Malawi Panje Kaunda, has on Friday donated some bail of clothes to returnee’s children living in the reception center at Dzakeka refugee camp in Dowa.
The donation comes barely two weeks he visited the camp to appreciate the living conditions returnees are facing in the reception center.
Speaking to Yetu FM, Kaunda says many children retunees are vulnerable to the cold weather hence the Kaunda family decided to donate clothes to children on monthly basis.
Kaunda says the donation that comprises of trousers, shirts, jackets and blankets estimated at 5 hundred thousand malawi kwacha.
On the other hand, Dowa district director of administration, Thomas mwafungo hailed the Zambian commissioner for the gesture saying that this gesture will go a long way in helping children in need.
Mwafungo further called upon other well-wishers to also support people at the camp since many returnees did not manage to relocate with their belongings.
