A corporate mogul, Dr Matthews Mtumbuka has declared his interest to contest as UTM president in the fourth coming UTM Elective Convention on 17 November 2024.

Addressing the media at BICC in Lilongwe on Tuesday, Mtumbuka says that Malawi has been a country of brilliant ideas without actions hence a need for a new leader to make a change.

“We have talked for so long fellow Malawians. We have drawn up brilliant plans. Plans that could transform our nation, yet for so long Malawi has been a nation of ideas but no action”. Mtumbuka said.

Dr. Matthews Mtumbuka says he acknowledges that this country lost a visionary leader and that he has come to continue a vision the late Saulos Chilima had for Malawi.

He also emphasized on his ambition of becoming a leader who will transform this country in various sectors such as Agriculture, Education, and Health.

“Agriculture is the backbone of this country’s economy and it is time we treated it as such. No more should our farmers struggle to make their ends meet” He lamented.

Among others, if given a chance to rule the country, Mtumbuka says will stabilize the country’s economy as a way of reducing labour exports saying young people will be able to access job opportunities right in the country.

“We will establish factories which will be right here in Malawi and this will transform our economy and create jobs for our young people” Mtumbuka added.

He further asked both UTM officials and members to make UTM a party for the country so it becomes a party that speaks for all Malawians.

Meanwhile, apart from Dr. Matthews Mtumbuka, UTM Secretary General Patricia Kaliati, and Dr. Dalitso Kabambe have also expressed interest in contesting for the post of UTM president.
