The director general for Malawi Communication Regulatory Authority (MACRA) Daudi Sulemani says the communication regulator envisions creating an inclusive environment where deaf people have access to communication services.
This was revealed on Tuesday at a workshop in Mponela aimed at training primary and secondary school teachers as trainers of trainers for sign language clubs.
Speaking during the opening of the workshop MACRA director general Daudi Suleman said the project will bridge the communication gap between the deaf community and the general public in the long run through the promotion of sign language.
“it is within MACRA’s jurisdiction as a communication regulator to ensure that every Malawian has access to equitable access of communication services,” Sulemani said.
The Director General continued to say in the exercise of the Communications Act of 2016, where it is stipulated that everyone should enjoy access to communication services, the regulatory body wants that in every live TV broadcast, there should be sign language interpreter.
“We want to create an inclusive environment in communication services where people with deaf impairment can grasp what is being communicated,” he said.
On her part, the principal secretary responsible for basic education in the Ministry of Education Rachel Chimbwete Phiri said the ministry intends to establish sign language clubs at every zone in all the 34 educational districts to increase equitable access to quality and relevant education by deaf learners.
“The establishment of these sign language clubs in schools will among others promote the use of Malawi sign language in schools as well as in the country as a whole,” she said.
Phiri urged teachers to take the training seriously as it is an opportunity for their continuous professional development in the area of inclusive education.
She then said teacher improvement means school improvement as teachers are the bedrock of inclusive education and quality education.
“Success of inclusive education largely depends on the support from different players and stakeholders,” said Phiri.
She went on to express gratitude towards MACRA for the financial support rendered to the Ministry of Education in its endeavor to promote inclusive education in the country.
The first phase of the training is targeting 12 educational districts of the 32 educational districts.
Education statistics report of 2023, indicates that in primary education there are 31,649 learners with hearing impairments, whereas in secondary education 1,809 have hearing impairments.
