First Lady Monica Chakwera has urged parents in the country to encourage their girl child to excel in their education if they are to break the chains of poverty.

Addressing a gathering during the launch of a campaign called ‘Unifying Campaign Malawi’ at Dowa community ground, Chakwera expressed worry about the population of girls transitioning from primary to secondary school.

“School enrollment in public secondary schools remains low at 15 percent, with girls accounting for 34 percent.” Said Chakwera

Chakwera further expressed worry about the rate of school dropouts in public secondary schools across the country.

“School enrollment in public secondary schools has also been alarmingly high among girls, registering 63% of the total dropouts (29,122) in 2021 to 2022 academic year.” Said Chakwera.

Chakwera attributed the situation to family responsibilities, lack of school fees, teenage pregnancies, and child marriages. Thus calling on chiefs in the country to champion the fight to end inequality in education, gender, health, and economic empowerment.

“If we are at the forefront of advocacy and reprimand of the deep-rotted social norms which limit access to girls and women opportunities, we are giving back to our girls.” Said Chakwera

On her part, the deputy executive director of Family Health Services (FHS) Chiwawa Nkhoma, conceded that inequality is negatively affecting women and girls’ efforts to attain education and health services and women empowerment

Nkhoma urged civil society organizations and other service providers to develop client-centered services in order to overcome underlying conditions that disadvantage women and girls.

“It is important for all stakeholders to understand that if women and girls are supported they can overcome barriers that affect them to achieve their dreams.” Said Nkhoma

Meanwhile, Chairperson of the unifying campaign Dr. Owen Chikhwaza concurred with Chakwera that the country will continue to be in self-destruction mode if girls and women are not given equal opportunity in economic empowerment and access to education and health services.

Chikhwaza said if girls do not attend education they will get married at a young age thus enhancing the levels of poverty in the country.

“If a young girl gets married at a young age, she is likely to face complications during the time of giving birth.” Said Chikhwaza.

The initiative unifying campaign is a brainchild of the organization of First Ladies in Development (OAFLAD) and was launched in June this year in the democratic republic of Congo.

The unifying campaign is a platform for advocacy, policy influence, and implementation to close the gender disparities across countries.
