Comsip savings and investment clusters from Dowa and Ntchisi have hailed Comsip Cooperative’s approach to alleviating poverty among those categorized as vulnerable.
On Monday this week, the Comsip cooperative facilitated a field learning visit where the Changalu cluster of the Dowa district visited the Nthanga cluster of the Ntchisi district.
Speaking in an interview, Changalu Savings and Investment group member and Community Facilitator Cosmas Banda said the field learning visit has provided the cluster room for improvement from what they are currently doing.
Banda said despite saving about 2.7 million in a year, through the visit, they have been encouraged on how to invest in individual businesses.
“We have seen our friends manufacturing soap, they are producing honey, some they are running shops, and at a large extend they have a group business of manufacturing bread, very impressive”. Banda said.
He has also hailed Comsip for training them on Business Management, financial literacy, and Records Keeping among others.
Conquering with Banda, the host cluster, Nthanga Savings and Investment Comsip cluster from Malomo, Ntchisi through its Community Facilitator Monica Zimba said the approach taken by Comsip cooperative has compelled people to mindset change.
Zimba said their cluster despite saving about 2.3 million kwacha, has managed to save and invest as a group and now they own a bakery and land.
“Some members from her cluster have built houses with steel iron sheets, managed to pay school fees for the children and some have managed to buy fertilizer and other farm inputs at a commercial price” Zimba touted.
“This year we have invested in group farming while aiming to build a warehouse that will be used to stock our produce” added Zimba
Commenting on the same, Ntchisi District Council Resilient Livelihood Program Desk Officer Hassan Amin said Comsip cooperatives have highly changed the mindset of people that benefit from Climate Smart Public Works Program – CSPWP and Social Cash Transfer beneficiaries.
“As a district council, we are equally satisfied with the level of understanding and improvement among villagers that are receiving Comsip training”. Amin said
Commenting on the issues, Comsip Cooperative Development Communication Officer Mercy Kayuni said Comsip is impressed with how people in Comsip saving and investment groups are adopting the training the cooperative provides.
She said the field learning visits are designed to encourage groups that are not doing good and those striving for greater levels.
“From where I stand, the cluster from Dowa which is still in its early stage, will have a chance to learn and adopt unique things being done by their friends,” Kayuni said
Kayuni also said they are happy that with profits from their businesses, Climate Smart Public Works Program – CSPWP and Social Cash Transfer beneficiaries can buy farm inputs at a commercial price despite not being on the Affordable Inputs Program.
She said it is great to note that a beneficially receiving about 5 000 kwacha from the government’s social protection program, can buy a 50 kilograms bag of fertilizer at a commercial price of 65 000 kwacha
Comsip Cooperative is implementing the livelihood support program by among others training Climate Smart Public Works Program – CSPWP and Social Cash Transfer beneficiaries in Dowa, Kasungu, Mzimba, Nkhata Bay, Dedza, Nkhotakota, Chiradzulu and Mulanje among others.
