A Teenager drowns in Lilongwe River

An 18-year-old boy, identified as Steven Yang’anani drowned on Sunday, September 17, 2023, while attempting to swim in Lilongwe River with his friend.


According to Lilongwe police spokesperson, Inspector Chigalu, on the day of the incident Steven (deceased) and his fellow teenager, Joseph Masautso, both employed as herdboys, took cattle to a certain grazing land which is along the Lilongwe River.


“Whilst grazing the cattle at around 11:00 hours, the pair decided to go swimming in the said river as they always used to do”, Chigalu explained.


“Unfortunately, this day’s swimming was not successful for Steven, he drowned.

Only his colleague managed to keep himself afloat and got back to the dry land”, He continued.


However, Steven’s body was later retrieved from the river by members of the community.


Mitundu Police detectives, accompanied by medical personnel from Mitundu Community Hospital, visited the scene of the incident, and postmortem results revealed that death was due to suffocation.


The deceased, Steven Yang’anani, hailed from Chikwera Village, T/A Kalolo in Lilongwe District.
